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Genuine astrologer in Kolkata, Ramapada Acharjee

genuine astrologer in Kolkata

If you really want to find a genuine astrologer in kolkata, India, please follow these steps:

Look for credentials of Genuine astrologer in Kolkata:

Genuine astrologers usually have some sort of certification or degree in astrology. Inquire about the astrologer’s credentials and verify their affiliation with professional astrology organizations.

Check reviews:

Check the online reviews and ratings of the astrologer to see what other people have said about their experience. This can give you an idea of the astrologer’s expertise and professionalism.

Check their approach:

Genuine astrologers typically do not make grandiose or exaggerated claims, such as promising to solve all your problems or guaranteeing specific outcomes. Instead, they will provide you with insights and guidance based on your birth chart and other astrological factors.

Don’t fall for scams.

Be wary of astrologers who promise to solve all your problems with expensive remedies or ask for a large sum of money upfront. Genuine astrologers may recommend remedies or rituals, but they should not pressure you into anything or ask for exorbitant fees.


Remember to always use your own judgment and intuition when choosing an astrologer to consult with. It is also important to approach astrology as a tool for self-awareness and personal growth, rather than a quick fix for all your problems.

I have been practicing astrology for the past 30 years and am considered to be the genuine astrologer in Kolkata by all my clients. I have received a multitude of awards for my talent and work, and the ones titled best jyotish in Kolkata and best palmist in Kolkata are the two most notable ones among them.

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